was 82 jaar en ze stond, dat vond ze zelf tenminste, nog volop in het
leven. Toen ze jonger was had ze hard op het land gewerkt en dat had
haar spieren gesterkt. Nog steeds durfde ze een partijtje "armpje
drukken"aan met haar 84 jarige dorpsgenoot Jan. Ze moest wel steeds meer
moeite doen om te winnen, maar het lukte haar nog steeds. Deze
"wedstrijden" speelden zich af in het dorpscafé. Na haar overwinning op
Jan, kreeg ze altijd een citroentje met suiker. De gebeurtenissen waren
een ritueel geworden. In de zomer wanneer de toeristen kwamen, hadden ze
altijd veel bekijks met deze wedstrijd. Maar daar deden ze het niet
voor. Het was immers een persoonlijke strijd. Jan hoopt altijd nog een
keer te kunnen winnen. Deze gedachten hielden hem op de been. Eén
keertje, één keertje winnen van Marie. Och wat had hij daarvoor niet
over. Maar ja, tot op heden was het hem nog geen enkele keer gelukt.
woonde op een oud boerderijtje, met een aantal schuurkatten en een geit
op leeftijd. Ze was heel gelukkig getrouwd geweest met Levien. Maar
Levien was al jaren geleden gestorven. Soms raakte ze de tel wel eens
kwijt, want het was al zo lang geleden. Kinderen had ze nooit gekregen,
dat had Marie wel heel jammer gevonden, maar ja, het was nu eenmaal zo.
Ze had zich er destijds bij neer gelegd. En in die tijd kon je de natuur
nog niet forceren.
jaren was er geen onderhoud meer aan het boerderijtje gepleegd. Ondanks
dat ze nog een aardig wedstrijdje "armpje drukken" aankon, was het
onderhoud van de boerderij toch te veel voor haar geworden. En om iemand
in te huren was haar AOW niet toereikend. De kozijnen begonnen te
rotten en ook was de staldeur al aardig scheef gezakt. Dit gaf de
boerderij wel iets nostalgisch, maar Marie bleef er vrolijk onder.
vrijdagavond was het "armpje drukken" met Jan. En ook deze vrijdagavond
stapte ze op haar Opoefiets en fietste naar het centrum van het dorp.
Daar aangekomen stalde ze haar fiets en liep naar binnen het café in.
Iedereen kende Marie en de vaste stamgasten wenste haar een goede avond,
zodra ze een voet binnen zette. Ook Jan was weer verheugd om haar te
zien. Hij had die week extra getraind en was er van overtuigd dat de
sterren gunstig stonden en dat hij deze week zou winnen! "Eerst even een
bakje koffie drinken, hoor Jan"!, zei Marie lachend en zette zich met
een plof op de stoel neer. Toen ze haar koffie had opgedronken ging ze
tegenover Jan aan het tafeltje zitten en richtte haar stevige onderarm
vanaf de elleboog op. Ook Jan zijn arm deed niet onder voor die van
Marie. Zo, de strijd kon beginnen. De stamgasten groepeerden zich om het
tafeltje en de aanmoedigingen begonnen. Enkelen waren voor Marie en
enkelen waren voor Jan. De strijd moest immers iets verdeeld zijn. Marie
en Jan kregen zweetdruppeltjes op hun voorhoofd van de inspanning. Jan
hoorde je af en toe kreunen onder het drukkende gewicht van Maries arm.
Toen het er op ging lijken dat Jan dan toch deze keer zou winnen (die
was een truc van Mare, ze liet hem graag geloven dat hij een kans had)
drukte Marie met volle kracht de arm van Jan tegen het tafelblad. Jan
was teleurgesteld maar ja tegen deze kracht kon hij niet op en zoals
iedere vrijdagavond bestelde hij een citroentje met suiker voor Marie.
Marie nipte glunderen aan het glaasje en gaf Jan een ferme pets tegen
zijn schouder. Samen schoten ze in de lach!
maanden gingen voorbij en het werd zomer. De vlierbes struiken rondom
de boerderij begonnen te geuren en Marie knipte de bloemschermen van de
vlierbes af en maakte er heerlijke limonade van. Op deze zomeravonden
kon je Marie voor het boerderijtje op het bankje vinden terwijl de
poezen bij haar voeten lagen en de geit rondscharrelde op het erf. Marie
voelde zich wat minnetjes de laatste tijd en ze voelde dat haar
krachten afnamen. Ze dacht voor mij de komt de herfst er aan en er komt
een dag dat ik niet meer van Jan zal winnen. Bij die gedachten schoot ze
in de lach, waarop de poezen haar vragend aankeken. Wat zal Jan dan
triomfantelijk kijken! Eigenlijk worden we ook een beetje te oud voor
die wedstrijden.
vrijdagavond daarop stapte ze gewoontegetrouw op haar fiets en reed het
dorp binnen. Aangekomen bij het café zette ze haar fiets tegen een boom
en stapte zoals altijd met een ferme tred het café binnen. "Goedenavond
heren!"riep ze en zette zich aan het tafeltje bij Jan. "En Jan, voel
je, je nog een beetje sterk vanavond?" "Wat geen kopje koffie vanavond?"
"Nou, van jou zullen ze ook niet rijk worden". "Zeur niet man, kom op
met je arm". De mouwen werden opgestroopt en de ellebogen op de tafel
gezet. De handen werden ineengeslagen en de wedstrijd kon beginnen. Er
waren die avond nogal wat toeristen in het dorp, dus hadden ze veel
bekijks. Alle aanwezigen stonden rondom het tafeltje gegroepeerd. De
spanning was te snijden. Eerst won Marie wat terrein. Daarna Jan en die
dacht ja, ja, dat doet ze nu iedere keer; meegeven en dan zo krachtig
mogelijk terugslaan. Dit was ook Marie haar tactiek, maar ze was er zelf
ook wat verbijstert onder want ze voelde dat ze de druk van Jan deze
keer niet kon weerstaan. Jan wist niet wat er gebeurde. Marie kreunde
zwaar en moest toegeven aan de druk van Jan! Jan kon het bijna niet
geloven.......hij had gewonnen! Marie moest lachen om het gezicht van
Jan. Jan getekend door de tijd keek zo blij als een kind. "Ok", riep
Marie, "jij hebt gewonnen". "Een citroentje met suiker voor deze
jonge man van een jaar of 35 die niet van het dorp kwam had het hele
spektakel gadegeslagen. Hij had genoten van de strijd en de
doorzettingskracht van zowel Jan als Marie. Hij was al jaren op zoek
naar de diepere betekenis van het leven en was er van overtuigd dat
Marie zeker gelet op haar kracht, ook over zeer veel levenswijsheid zou
beschikken. Hij ging naast Marie staan en stelde zich zelf voor. "Dag
mevrouw", "ik ben Gerard en ik heb zo even uw wedstrijd gadegeslagen".
"Nou", zei Marie, "noem mij maar Marie hoor!" Marie altijd in voor een
praatje zeker met jonge mensen had een gewillig oor. En zo raakten ze
aan de praat en het kwam zo uit dat Gerard op zoek naar een diepere
betekenis van het leven, tevens op zoek was naar een slaapplaats. Marie
wist niet wat het was, maar ze vertrouwde deze jonge man op slag. Ze
nodigde hem dan ook uit o op haar boerderijtje de nacht door te brengen
in ruil voor wat klusjes. En zo kwam het dat Gerard en Marie samen het
café verlieten. Er werden wel opmerkingen gemaakt door de stamgasten.
"Zooo, die Marie, laat die maar schuiven". "Ze gaat er wel met een erg
jong bokje van door". Maar die twee hadden niets in de gaten, ze gingen
zo in hun gesprek op. Niets voor Marie eigenlijk, want zij kon altijd
erg ad rem reageren.
pakte haar fiets en hij zijn rugzak en samen liepen ze naar de
boerderij. Om een uur of twaalf brandde er nog licht in de boerderij,
normaal niets voor Marie. Maar Gerard "hing aan haar lippen"want zij had
zoveel te vertellen. Over haar jeugd, haar huwelijk met Levien en
..........nog zoveel meer.
bleef de volgende dag om wat klusjes op te knappen voor Marie, zoals de
afspraak was. Het bleef niet bij die ene dag en nacht. Gerard bleef ook
de komende maanden. Hij had het gevoel, nee dat wist hij zeker, hij kon
zoveel leren van Marie. Al haar ervaringen deelde zij met hem. Hij had
zijn plek gevonden en .....Marie vond het prima zo. Ze had gezelschap na
al die jaren alleen te zijn geweest, het was een fijne en handige knul,
zo redeneerde ze. En de boerderij zag je zienderogen opknappen.
het dorp werd over de "relatie" tussen Marie en Gerard veel gepraat.
Het fijne wisten ze er niet van, dus er was veel ruimte voor
speculaties. "Ze zal toch niet met hem trouwen"? "Je hoort zulke rare
verhalen tegenwoordig!" "Laatst nog in de kracht, je weet wel", zei
mevrouw Bakker tegen haar buurvrouw. "Wel nee, joh", zei de buurvrouw.
"Ze heeft toch immers geen geld!" "Jahhh, maar"zei mevrouw Bakker, "eer
dat boerderijtje is opgeknapt is het veel geld waard en straks piept ze
er tussen uit en zit die knul op rozen"! "Let op mijn woorden"! Als
Marie deze praatjes had kunnen horen had ze er alleen maar om
geglimlacht. Ze wist wel dat er over hun gepraat werd, maar dat is
mensen eigen. Ze hadden het gezellig samen en dat was genoeg.
jaren gingen snel voorbij. Het "armpje drukken" met Jan was verleden
tijd. Jan die alleen woonde en op een gegeven moment erg slecht ter been
raakte, was verhuisd naar een tehuis voor ouderen in een nabijgelegen
dorp. In gedachten zag Marie dat Jan iedereen uitdaagde om met het een
wedstrijd aan te gaan. Hij zal wel veel overwinningen behalen. Triomf
voor Jan! Gerard bleef al die jaren bij Marie wonen. Allebei heel
gelukkig met de gezelschap van de ander. Gerard loofde Maries wijsheid,
vooral haar gevleugelde uitspraak: "Iedere dat is weer een nieuwe kans
om iets nieuws te beginnen". "Denk daaraan Gerard", riep ze altijd,
"geniet met volle teugen". "Breng passie in je leven"! "Anders gaat er
zoveel verloren"! Zeven jaar hadden ze een heerlijk tijd. Voor Marie was
het een afsluiting van een zevenjarige cyclus. Ze wist ook dat dit haar
einde was van haar levenscyclus. Het laatste half jaar van haar leven
wilde Maries lichaam niet meer. De eerste maanden had ze hier geen vrede
mee, want haar geest wilde nog volop. En ze werd hierdoor nukkig en
opstandig, maar de strijd was niet gelijk. Gerard heeft haar de laatste
maanden liefdevol verzorgd.En Marie gaf zich over aan wat dat was en
verliet in vrede haar lichaam. En dorpelingen kregen
gelijk, Marie had haar boerderijtje aan Gerard nagelaten. Maar Gerard
kon zijn draai niet meer vinden na het heengaan van Marie. De boerderij
was niets meer zonder Marie en nadat hij de boerderij voor een laag
prijsje aan een jong gezin had verhuurd, onder de voorwaarde dat ze de
aanwezige dieren goed moesten verzorgen, pakte hij zijn schamele
bezittingen in zijn rugzak en hij vertrok zoals hij gekomen was. Hij
dacht aan de uitspraak van Marie: "Iedere dag is weer een nieuwe kans om
iets nieuws te beginnen". Haar woorden werden zijn lijfspreuk en zo
hield hij de herinnering aan Marie levend.
Irene Brakman.
Mary had the age of 82 and she was still very alive. When she was younger she worked very hard and this had made her muscles strong. Still every week she was tempted to play some arm wrestling with an man that lived in the village to, his name was Jan and he was 84. It became harder and harder for her, but still she won every time. This competitions were held in the local café of the village. Every time when she won she was treated by Jan, he bought for her a Lemon Jenever with sugar. This event was almost like a ritual. During the Summer many tourists came to the village and they were all taken by this lovely play. But that was not the reason why they did it. This was a personal competition. Jan was hoping to win, only just once. This was the thought that kept him going. One time! Just one time he wanted to win from Mary and he really made an effort. But still, till now he didn't succeed.
Mary was living on a old farm with a few cats living in the barn and an old goat. She had, had a beautiful marriage with Levien. But Levien died years ago. Sometimes she lost track of the years, because it was so many years ago. She had never had children and she pitted that, but this was how it was. And in these days you could not force nature.
Al these years the farm wasn't that up to date any more. There was a lot of work to do. But she was not capable of doing that, although every week she was arm wrestling, this was to much for her. And to hire someone that wasn't an option, her pension wasn't big enough for that. The wood of the windows were starting to rot and also the door in the barn was very crooked. But she thought that was giving the farm an nostalgic touch. She always stayed in a good mood.
Every Friday evening it was arm wrestling with Jan. And also this Friday evening. She went on her bike and drove to the center of the village. She put her bike against a tree and walked into the café. Everyone knew her and wished her a very good evening as soon she stepped into the café. Also Jan was very happy to see her. He trained extra hard that week and he knew that the stars were standing good that evening; he was going to win this evening! "First I am going to drink some coffee" and she was laughing towards Jan and she plopped down on her chair. Then when she had finished her coffee she sat down in the opposite of Jan at their special table. She put her very firm forearm upwards. Also Jan's forearm was very big and they were really a challenge to each other. So the battle could begin. In not more than a minute the other people in the café were grouping around this special table. Some favorite Mary and some Jan, they wanted to support booth of them. At one moment Mary and Jan's forehead were filled with little drops of sweat. Now and then you could hear Jan moan under the pressure of Mary's weight. It seemed that Jan was gaining ground but this was more a trick of Mary, she made him believe that he could win. Then suddenly with the full strength of her arm she pushed Jan's forearm against the tabletop. Jan was really disappointed this time and with a sigh he ordered a Lemon Jenever with sugar for Mary. Mary radiated and took a sip of her Jenever and gave Jan a firm slap on his shoulder. Together they were laughing.
A few months went by and it became Summer. The Elderly flower surrounding the farm had blossomed and the smell was very intense. Mary was cutting the blossoms to make some lemonade. On the Summer evenings you could find Mary on her bench in front of the house, the cats were laying at her feet and the goat was roaming the yard. Mary felt a bit under the weatherlately and she felt that she was loosing strength. She was thinking that for her really the Autumn was coming and soon there will be a day that I will loose of Jan. When she was thinking that she had to laugh and the cats were looking at here like they understood why Mary was laughing. On that day Jan will have a different look on his face, she thought. Actually we are becoming a little bit old for these competitions.
That Friday she stepped like always on her bicycle and drove into the village. Again she put her bike down and walked into the café. "Good evening, gentleman" she said and she put herself down at the special table with no hesitation. And Jan she replayed: "How you are feeling this evening"? "Do you feel strong"? "Lets start at once"! "What" said Jan, "no coffee this evening"? "They won't get rich of you, thats for sure"! "Don't whine" Mary said, "give me your forearm". They pulled up there sleeves and there elbows joined each other on the table. There hands clanged together and the game was started. That evening there were a lot of tourist in the café, so a lot of people were watching. The trial of strength could begin! Every visitor was grouped around the table. The tension could be felled. First Mary gained some ground, after that Jan. But he was thinking this is what she does every time and then she is striking back. And there he was right this was her tactic but Mary was also astonished because she felt that she could not resist the pressure of Jan's arm. Jan didn't know what was happening! Mary gave a loud sigh and had to give in to the pressure of Jan's arm. Jan could hardly believed this: He had won! Mary had to laugh about the expression on Jan's face. Jan's face decreased by time had the very happy expression of a child on his face! "Ok" Mary said very loud, you have won"! "A Lemon Jenever wit sugar for this gentleman"!
A young man of 35 years young and who wasn't from the village had watched the game. He had enjoyed the battle and the perseverance of Mary and Jan. For a very long time he was on a search of the deeper meaning of life. And he was convinced that Mary when he looked at her strength also had much wisdom about life. He sat down next to Mary and introduced himself. "Hello Mme", "I am Gerard and I have been looking at the completion". "Just call me Mary", Mary said. She always liked to talk with other people and especially young people. And thats how it was and they started talking and talking and it came to this that Gerard was looking for the deeper meaning of life also was looking for a place to sleep. Mary didn't know what it was, but she trusted this young man. She invited him on the farm to spend the night in trade to do some odd jobs. And thats how it came that Mary and Gerard together left the café. When the people so this happening they made some strange remarks but those two didn't hear a thing.
Mary took her bike and he took his backpack and together they were walking to her farm. At twelve o clock there was still light on at the farmhouse, not so usual for Mary. But Gerard, couldn't stop listening to her, because she had so much to tell. About her youth, her marriage with Levine and...... so much more.
Gerard stayed the next day to do some chores for Mary, liked they agreed about that, but it didn't last by that day. Gerard also stayed the next months, he had the feeling, no he knew for sure, he could learn so much from Mary. Al her experiences she shared with him. He had found his place and....... Mary she liked it this way. She had some fine company after all these years and he was a fine and handy man. De farm was improving and improving after all the work he did.
In the village there was much talk about the "relationship" between Mary and Gerard. They didn't know everything so there was much room for speculations. "Is she going to marry him"? "You hear these funny stories these days"! "He is after her money"! But she hasn't any money", Mrs Baker replayed to her neighbor. "But as soon that farm is rebuilded, it is worth a lot of money"! And then when is has died, he is sitting on roses"! Mark my words. If Mary had heard this talks, she only would have smiled. She knew they were talking about them, but that is how people are. They had a good time together and people can talk but they had their own life.
The years went by very quickly. The arm wrestling days were over and Jan who became very old was one day moved to an old peoples home in another village. She was thinking of him and had to smile he sure would challenge every one there for a game of arm wrestle. Finally a triumph for Jan!
Gerard stayed all these years with Mary and the enjoyed each others company. Gerard praised her wisdom, especially her winged statement: "Every day has a new change to begin something new" "Gerard", she said. "Enjoy your life fully, other wise so much is lost". For seven years they had a good time. For Mary it was the ending of her seven year cycle. And she knew this would be the end of her life cycle. The last halve year of her life, Mary's body was declining. The first months she was fighting this because her mind was still as strong as ever. She became grumpy and stubborn but at the end she was at peace and was radiating with a kind of glow. Gerard was taking care of her these last months with much of love.
And yes, the villagers were right..... Mary had left the farm after her passing to Gerard. But for Gerard it wasn't the same anymore after Mary had left the place. He decided to rent the place for a low price to a young family with a condition that they had to take good care of the animals who were still living there. He packed his few possessions together in his backpack. And he left as he came. He was thinking about the statement of Mary "Every day has an opportunity to begin something new"! Her words became his motto and in this way he kept the memory of Mary alive.
Irene Brakman.
Mary had the age of 82 and she was still very alive. When she was younger she worked very hard and this had made her muscles strong. Still every week she was tempted to play some arm wrestling with an man that lived in the village to, his name was Jan and he was 84. It became harder and harder for her, but still she won every time. This competitions were held in the local café of the village. Every time when she won she was treated by Jan, he bought for her a Lemon Jenever with sugar. This event was almost like a ritual. During the Summer many tourists came to the village and they were all taken by this lovely play. But that was not the reason why they did it. This was a personal competition. Jan was hoping to win, only just once. This was the thought that kept him going. One time! Just one time he wanted to win from Mary and he really made an effort. But still, till now he didn't succeed.
Mary was living on a old farm with a few cats living in the barn and an old goat. She had, had a beautiful marriage with Levien. But Levien died years ago. Sometimes she lost track of the years, because it was so many years ago. She had never had children and she pitted that, but this was how it was. And in these days you could not force nature.
Al these years the farm wasn't that up to date any more. There was a lot of work to do. But she was not capable of doing that, although every week she was arm wrestling, this was to much for her. And to hire someone that wasn't an option, her pension wasn't big enough for that. The wood of the windows were starting to rot and also the door in the barn was very crooked. But she thought that was giving the farm an nostalgic touch. She always stayed in a good mood.
Every Friday evening it was arm wrestling with Jan. And also this Friday evening. She went on her bike and drove to the center of the village. She put her bike against a tree and walked into the café. Everyone knew her and wished her a very good evening as soon she stepped into the café. Also Jan was very happy to see her. He trained extra hard that week and he knew that the stars were standing good that evening; he was going to win this evening! "First I am going to drink some coffee" and she was laughing towards Jan and she plopped down on her chair. Then when she had finished her coffee she sat down in the opposite of Jan at their special table. She put her very firm forearm upwards. Also Jan's forearm was very big and they were really a challenge to each other. So the battle could begin. In not more than a minute the other people in the café were grouping around this special table. Some favorite Mary and some Jan, they wanted to support booth of them. At one moment Mary and Jan's forehead were filled with little drops of sweat. Now and then you could hear Jan moan under the pressure of Mary's weight. It seemed that Jan was gaining ground but this was more a trick of Mary, she made him believe that he could win. Then suddenly with the full strength of her arm she pushed Jan's forearm against the tabletop. Jan was really disappointed this time and with a sigh he ordered a Lemon Jenever with sugar for Mary. Mary radiated and took a sip of her Jenever and gave Jan a firm slap on his shoulder. Together they were laughing.
A few months went by and it became Summer. The Elderly flower surrounding the farm had blossomed and the smell was very intense. Mary was cutting the blossoms to make some lemonade. On the Summer evenings you could find Mary on her bench in front of the house, the cats were laying at her feet and the goat was roaming the yard. Mary felt a bit under the weatherlately and she felt that she was loosing strength. She was thinking that for her really the Autumn was coming and soon there will be a day that I will loose of Jan. When she was thinking that she had to laugh and the cats were looking at here like they understood why Mary was laughing. On that day Jan will have a different look on his face, she thought. Actually we are becoming a little bit old for these competitions.
That Friday she stepped like always on her bicycle and drove into the village. Again she put her bike down and walked into the café. "Good evening, gentleman" she said and she put herself down at the special table with no hesitation. And Jan she replayed: "How you are feeling this evening"? "Do you feel strong"? "Lets start at once"! "What" said Jan, "no coffee this evening"? "They won't get rich of you, thats for sure"! "Don't whine" Mary said, "give me your forearm". They pulled up there sleeves and there elbows joined each other on the table. There hands clanged together and the game was started. That evening there were a lot of tourist in the café, so a lot of people were watching. The trial of strength could begin! Every visitor was grouped around the table. The tension could be felled. First Mary gained some ground, after that Jan. But he was thinking this is what she does every time and then she is striking back. And there he was right this was her tactic but Mary was also astonished because she felt that she could not resist the pressure of Jan's arm. Jan didn't know what was happening! Mary gave a loud sigh and had to give in to the pressure of Jan's arm. Jan could hardly believed this: He had won! Mary had to laugh about the expression on Jan's face. Jan's face decreased by time had the very happy expression of a child on his face! "Ok" Mary said very loud, you have won"! "A Lemon Jenever wit sugar for this gentleman"!
A young man of 35 years young and who wasn't from the village had watched the game. He had enjoyed the battle and the perseverance of Mary and Jan. For a very long time he was on a search of the deeper meaning of life. And he was convinced that Mary when he looked at her strength also had much wisdom about life. He sat down next to Mary and introduced himself. "Hello Mme", "I am Gerard and I have been looking at the completion". "Just call me Mary", Mary said. She always liked to talk with other people and especially young people. And thats how it was and they started talking and talking and it came to this that Gerard was looking for the deeper meaning of life also was looking for a place to sleep. Mary didn't know what it was, but she trusted this young man. She invited him on the farm to spend the night in trade to do some odd jobs. And thats how it came that Mary and Gerard together left the café. When the people so this happening they made some strange remarks but those two didn't hear a thing.
Mary took her bike and he took his backpack and together they were walking to her farm. At twelve o clock there was still light on at the farmhouse, not so usual for Mary. But Gerard, couldn't stop listening to her, because she had so much to tell. About her youth, her marriage with Levine and...... so much more.
Gerard stayed the next day to do some chores for Mary, liked they agreed about that, but it didn't last by that day. Gerard also stayed the next months, he had the feeling, no he knew for sure, he could learn so much from Mary. Al her experiences she shared with him. He had found his place and....... Mary she liked it this way. She had some fine company after all these years and he was a fine and handy man. De farm was improving and improving after all the work he did.
In the village there was much talk about the "relationship" between Mary and Gerard. They didn't know everything so there was much room for speculations. "Is she going to marry him"? "You hear these funny stories these days"! "He is after her money"! But she hasn't any money", Mrs Baker replayed to her neighbor. "But as soon that farm is rebuilded, it is worth a lot of money"! And then when is has died, he is sitting on roses"! Mark my words. If Mary had heard this talks, she only would have smiled. She knew they were talking about them, but that is how people are. They had a good time together and people can talk but they had their own life.
The years went by very quickly. The arm wrestling days were over and Jan who became very old was one day moved to an old peoples home in another village. She was thinking of him and had to smile he sure would challenge every one there for a game of arm wrestle. Finally a triumph for Jan!
Gerard stayed all these years with Mary and the enjoyed each others company. Gerard praised her wisdom, especially her winged statement: "Every day has a new change to begin something new" "Gerard", she said. "Enjoy your life fully, other wise so much is lost". For seven years they had a good time. For Mary it was the ending of her seven year cycle. And she knew this would be the end of her life cycle. The last halve year of her life, Mary's body was declining. The first months she was fighting this because her mind was still as strong as ever. She became grumpy and stubborn but at the end she was at peace and was radiating with a kind of glow. Gerard was taking care of her these last months with much of love.
And yes, the villagers were right..... Mary had left the farm after her passing to Gerard. But for Gerard it wasn't the same anymore after Mary had left the place. He decided to rent the place for a low price to a young family with a condition that they had to take good care of the animals who were still living there. He packed his few possessions together in his backpack. And he left as he came. He was thinking about the statement of Mary "Every day has an opportunity to begin something new"! Her words became his motto and in this way he kept the memory of Mary alive.
Irene Brakman.